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                                       Trends in World Christianity
                            and some advises to the Korean Churches

                                                  by Dr. Peter Beyerhaus, former prof. Tübingen Univ.

It would be hazardous to attempt to present an all-over view of all trends prevalent in the Global Church today. There are considerable differences between the older churches in the West and the indigenous churches in Asia, Africa and Latin America. And even within these hemispheres the situation is not monolithic. Each national church has its own problems to cope with.
Having stated this I shall begin with a description of the Western churches, and more especially of the Churches in Germany from where I come.

I. Contemporary trends in Europe
It is no exaggeration to say that Western Christianity is suffering from a deep spiritual crisis, whilst on the other hand many churches in the East and South are spiritually healthy and have became agents of an intensive and extensive program of World Mission and evangelization.  
Probably that was the main reason why the WCC accepted the invitation to conduct its 10th General Assembly in the Korean city of Busan. For the WCC is affected by the general weakness of Western churches. This is not confined to its shortage of finances and shrinking support by its large member churches. It applies even more to its spiritual and theological stance. In their declarations and programs the ecumenical leaders in Geneva follow often the aberrations of the Western member churches and their spokesmen.

Now what are the most obvious dangerous trends of churches in the West, particularly in Germany? To state it briefly, we observe that
1)        The biblical foundations of faith and ethics are shaken. This becomes apparent in the distortions of Christology and Soteriologie and the authority of the revealed Word of God.
2)        The mainline churches and older mission societies have lost their evangelistic drive. This is all the more fatal since in our Western countries an atheistic humanism challenges the Christian faith, and the anti-Christian religion of Islam is establishing its bulwarks by erecting mosques in every city and town. By accepting Islam as partner of a dialogue in spiritual sharing, syncretism confuses the minds especially of younger Christians.
3)        The divine ordinances of monogamy between husband and wife and of the family are neglected. Divorces are frequent, and many couples do not care to legally get married. The traditional matrimony is substituted by loose partnerships and living together in patchwork families. Homosexuality is openly practiced. It is generally accepted by the law and even by churches; modern theologians declare it to be another species created by God Himself.
Recently the Protestant Church in Germany issued a so called ¡°Help for Orientation¡± on the topic of matrimony and family. Here it is postulated that traditional monogamy can no longer be regarded to be the only form of familiar life. Since alternative partnerships have established themselves in their own right, the Church should accept them and give her blessing to them. The Council of Protestant Bishops and the General Synod permitted pastors who live in unwedded, even homosexual partnerships to dwell together in the parsonage. In this and other sinister aspects the protestant church in Germany is no exception; the situation in Britain and in Scandinavian countries and churches is rather similar.

Fortunately the black picture which I have painted here does not resemble the full situation of Western Christianity and particularly Germany. It is, indeed, widely the reality in our former national churches, but within them there exists also a minority, a faithful remnant, of those who don¡¯t have forsaken their evangelical faith in Jesus Christ as our only Savior, and who do not invalidate the Ten Commandments of the Lord God. They do not bow there knees to the immoral deities of the Canaanites Baal and Aschera. In all Western countries there is also a Pietistic movement both within the established churches and in the evangelical free churches. They still enjoy a healthy spiritual life, and they try to re-evangelize their countries and revive their dormant and apostate churches.

One significant group amongst them is the ¡°Confession Movement ¡®No other Gospel¡¯ ¡± It was founded in 1966 as an apologetic answer to radical biblical criticism of modernist theologians and the program of ¡°demythologization¡±  offered by the NT scholar Rudolf Bultmann. In 1978 the German Confession Movement became widened in global outreach when in London the International Christian Network was established. (The German name is ¡°International Conference of Confessing Fellowships¡±). This corresponds to the Korean Evangelical Fellowship (KEF), with which we uphold a friendly bound of cooperation. The ICN regularly convokes Ecumenical Confession Congresses, in which we deal with actual challenges to the Biblical faith by modern ideologies and modernist theologies. Just last week on November 1 – 3 we conducted an Ecumenical Confession Congress in the Black Forest in South West Germany. It was attended by conservative believers from Germany and neighbouring countries and moreover by Eastern Orthodox, Syrian and Coptic  Bishops as well and by Roman Catholics. They uphold fraternal relations with us, since they face the same theological and moral dangers as we cope with.

In consequence we strive towards our common goal which we call ¡°Christ-centred Ecumenical Confession Movement¡±. We do not neglect our traditional confessional controversies; but we stand together in our common assertion that God in Christ has offered eternal salvation to all those, who accept the Gospel by repentance and faith.
The theme of our recent Congress in the Black Forest was ¡°The Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Foundation of our Faith¡±. Our former Congress in 2011 dealt with a similar Christological theme: ¡°The Cross of Jesus Christ – Centre of Salvation¡±.
The findings of these Congresses of ICN are always made available as brochures or even documentary volumes. But more important is that they are summarized in a short cut creedal affirmation, printed as leaflets and spread by ten-thousands of copies throughout or churches in Germany. Sometimes, if they are found relevant also in other countries, we have them translated into their languages, and then they are spread by our fraternal fellowships there. Several creedal messages of ICN have been translated into Korean and were read in Korean churches and Christian movements.
For it is obvious that the crisis of Western Christianity is not limited to the West; it affects also Christianity in other continents. Asian and African theologians who spent some time at Western Universities have imported it. They had sucked up the modernist ideas of their teachers and translated their books into their own native languages.
One influential agent of transporting theological ideas and unfortunately also heretical ones is the World Council of Churches. It does so in several ways: Rending stipends to students in the Two-third world, spreading literature, sponsoring theological seminaries and – last but not least – in convoking theological conferences on various levels, topping them all by the World Assemblies which are moving clockwise through the six continents. Enjoying the rank of the classical Ecumenical Councils, their findings, resolutions declarations and messages are regarded as contemporary Creeds which are to be accepted and honoured by all Christians. They are not aware what Martin Luther said in his famous disputation with the papal theologian Johannes Eck in Leipzig in 1519: ¡°Even popes and ecumenical councils can err and have erred several times in history¡±.  

In our present German church struggle Bible oriented pastors, elders and theologians realized right from the beginning in 1966, that all doctrinal aberrations and moral misbehaviour were merely symptoms of one all inclusive crisis: The contemporary  church was and still is suffering from a ¡°sickness unto death¡± (to use the expression of the Danish philosopher S©ªren Kierkegaard). It is spiritually starving on account of its self-chosen separation from God and His holy Word. Therefore what this ailing church really needs are not simply some corrections and reforms, for such would not heal her. Rather our Western churches and their members need a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit that cleanses her from her malady and leads her to a genuine revival. We should rediscover the promise of the Triune God to our first parents in the Garden of Eden and its fulfilment through our Savior Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit sent at Pentecost: The gift of Eternal Life.

II. Eternal Life
In this connection I want to draw your attention to the theme of the 10th Assembly of the WCC in Busan: ¡°Lord of Life – give us Justice and Peace!¡±
It was fair that the church delegates assembled in Busan put the focus of their deliberations and statements on God as the One whose very nature is life, and who is the only living God. As Creator He is the origin of all life, the life of humans, animals and plants as well.
But what kind of life were the inviting leaders and theologians of the WCC thinking of?    I asked this penetrating question when in the middle of last year I got hold of the New Mission Statement of the WCC. Its title is: ¡°Together towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes¡°.
In my analysis of this document I made a puzzling discovery. I shared it with you in the lecture I was supposed to deliver in October last year. Unfortunately – due to the illness of my wife – I was prevented to travel. Therefore my manuscript was handed out to you to be read in my absence. You may remember that I complained about the failure of the authors of the Mission Statement to observe the most important biblical distinction between two types of life, which in Greek are named V(bios and ze). The word bios signifies the biological life, shared by all living creatures. Ze refers to that eternal life, which originates from God Himself, and is imparted to his beloved children to let us share in His own heavenly bliss. That begins secretly already now when we are reborn by water and Spirit and when we accept it in repentance and faith. This true, eternal life has been made available to us by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus our Redeemer at the Cross on Calvary.
The word ¡°life¡± in the sense of eternal, divine life is the central soteriological concept in the Gospel of the evangelist St. John. To quote just a few verses to demonstrate this:
¡°In him was life, and the life was the life of men. The light shines in darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:4). ¡°He who blieves in the Son has eternal life; he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him¡± (3:36). ¡°For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will¡± (5:21). Jesus said to them: "Truly, truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day (6:53). So in Holy Communion, the Lord¡¯s Supper, we time and again receive God¡¯s eternal life that is in his Son Jesus Christ.

It is the sacred privilege of the Church of Christ to administer this precious gift of life and to pass it on to a pagan world, which is dying in sinful separation from God, the Donor of life. But at Busan and its preparatory documents this truth was hardly recognizable. In the Assembly ¡°life¡± was interpreted mainly in secular, social and political terms. That founds its expression also in the dual unfolding of life: ¡°lead us to justice and peace¡±.
Justice did not mean that righteousness which we receive by our justification by faith in Christ, but rather the restoration of civil rights to those who are deprived of it by tyrannical regimes. Likewise the word ¡°peace¡± meant the laying down of arms and the end of military threats.
Already in the preparatory statements our attention was directed to regions devastated by turmoil or to human groups like women who are deprived of their civil rights of gender equality. The Assembly was expected to pronounce its indignation about such brutal systems and actions and – if possible – to interfere on behalf of the deprived.
Surely I do not deny that the churches can be called upon to exercise a prophetic ministry, as the Old Testament prophets like Isaiah, Amos and Micah did. But it is not the primary task of the New Testament Church. Thus today the Christian ministry does not consist in socio-political pronouncements and actions. It rather consists in preaching and teaching the biblical Gospel, to worship the triune God and to make prayers and supplications on behalf of those who are in spiritual and physical need, especially those who are persecuted and suffer martyrdom. To a certain extent this was done also by the Busan Assembly and the directions given to it in the preparatory documents.
But to the puzzlement of many observers, including myself, the Busan Assembly and its organizers seemed hardly be aware that Korean Christians only 100 miles away from the South are being put to death in martyrdom in a most massive and unprecedented cruel way. At Busan I heard neither prayer nor sympathy for the North Korean Christians. On the contrary the organizers of the Assembly tried to bring in the established church of North Korea, of which is known that it is controlled by communists.
Being aware of this, the WCC at Busan should have raised its voice for our suffering brothers and sisters in North Korea. It should have implored the Lord to hear their groaning and finally bring about true unification of Korea to become one nation under the righteous and peaceful reign of Jesus Christ.

III. Three friendly advises to the Korean Church after Busan
Let me conclude this lecture by suggesting to evangelical Christians to reconsider the Busan theme: ¡°God of life, lead us to justice and peace¡±. But interpret it in the genuine biblical sense of these important words that means:
1)        In your preaching, teaching acting, in your Bible studies and early morning prayers unfold the richness of the term ¡°zoe aionios¡± as denoting the eternal life given to us by Jesus Christ who himself is the life in person and who said: ¡°I am the resurrection and the life¡±(John 11:25).Do not shun the Marxist atheistic mockery who regard eternal life as something unrealistic, ¡°a pie in the sky¡±. Rather demonstrate to them how eternal life gives us consolation in times of sorrow and how it empowers us to conduct our Christian duties.
2)        Remember the testimony of the martyrs who sacrificed their earthly life in order to be awarded by Christ who will give to those, who proved to be faithful unto death, their heavenly reward: ¡°the crown of life¡± (Revelations 2:10).
Plead openly for the downtrodden justice of your persecuted brothers and sisters in North Korea and lend your voice to the voiceless.
3)        Act as messengers of that true peace which the Father Himself made with his rebellious children at the cross of Calvary. Pauls rejoices by saying: ¡°that God was in Christ reconciling to the world to Himself and entrusted to us the message of reconciliation.¡±(2 Cor 5.18 -20.) Reinforce and keep on supporting the ministry of reconciliation which 24.000 cross-cultural Korean missionaries carry into 170 countries. But by now it is high time to re-evangelize your own country Korea which is exposed to the same anti-Christian forces that devastate our formerly Christian countries.

Remember the last instruction which Jesus Christ gave to his apostles before He was lifted up to his throne in heaven:
¡°But you will have power, when the Holy Spirit has come on you;
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judaea and Samaria,
and to the ends of the earth.

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