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Response to Dr. Joshua Ogawa, Bishop Efraim Tendero,
Rev. Richard Howell, and Rev. Wong Kim Kong

Dr. Sung-Sam Kang
General Director of KWMA ,
Chair-person of KEF/MC

It is my pleasure to respond the valuable voices Asian leaders¡¯ healthy critiques and recommendations on Korean Churches and Missionaries.
We humbly accept Rev. Wong Kim Kong¡¯s loving advices for Korean Missionaries such as lack of cultural sensitivity, lack of effective partnership with local Churches in the mission field, lack of communication skills and languages, and lack of integrity in terms of conversion figures.  We also appreciate Dr. Ogawa¡¯s 6 points of suggestions such as 1) To be Japanese pastor-supporters as well as to be independent Church planters; 2) Contribution of Korean Church elders to small Japanese Churches; 3) Partnership between Korean big Churches and Japanese small Churches; 4) Partnership between Korean and Churches and agencies; 5) Suggestions of international marriages between Koreans and Japanese; and 6) Suggestions of ministries for retired pastors and senior citizens in both countries.
   What a encouraging words of Rev. Richard Howell on Korean missionaries in India. Since Korean missionary Association formed good communication system has been set up and so no problem between Korean missionaries and Indian leaders and churches as well. And Bishop Efraim Tendero who is in charge of a thousand Korean missionaries¡¯ visas also pointed out some shortcomings of Korean missionaries such as lack of cultural sensitivity. He also talked about Korean missionaries¡¯ zeal for advancing the Gospel in the Philippines.

  Kindly tolerate my suggestions of Ten Commandments that Korean Missionaries should keep in mind in the mission fields.

1. Being is more important than Doing. High rate of Korean Missionaries seem to have an attitude that Doing is more important than Being. (Acts1:8, Lk24:48-49, Eph4:13)  Missionaries should be prepared to be healthy spirituality and good   leaderships with vertical and horizontal relationships, and with competence, integrity, passion, conflict resolution, cutting-edge skills even before he/she starts field ministry.

2. Remember that hosting people in a frontier mission filed are not ministry objects but subjects of His Kingdom ministry. From the beginning, a missionary must have a philosophy that John the Baptist had. ¡°He must be increasing, I must be decreasing.¡± Disciples are not missionaries but the Lord¡¯s. Therefore he/she must have in mind of following the careful stages of delegation and transition while doing the Kingdom ministry.

3. Learn field language and culture.  As a career worker do not depend on an interpreter in a hosting ethnic group. Our Almighty God came to earth as LOGOS and spoke to us not using an interpreter.

4. Do not monopolize leadership for  long years at a church he/she planted. Cooperation and delegation and transition stages must be followed accordingly
5. Do not perpetuate to employ (payment base) of co-workers of a hosting nation. In terms of processes of leadership delegation and transition consider 5 stages: Pioneer Stage, Parental Stage, Partners Stage, Participant Stage, and Para-shoot Stage.
6. Do not equate Church planting as church building/constructing.

7. Escape from an imperialistic attitude of Korean culture and Korean Church system. Christianity must be appropriate to the Bible and hosting culture.

8. Do not have fellowship with Korean missionaries alone. It might be misunderstood as a missionary gettoh. Remember that partnership and fellowship with hosting people and Churches are important.

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