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Bishop Efraim M. Tendero, D.D.
(National Director Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches)


"To the Jews, I became like a Jew, to those not having the law, Ibecame like one not having the law, so that by all possible means Imight save some"(1 Cor. 9:20-22).

Over the last twenty-five years, Korean missionaries have mushroomed in the Philippines. The Bureau of Immigration in the country has a record of about 2,000 visas issued to Korean missionaries. The Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC) likewise endorses around 1,000 Korean families for their missionary visas. They have come to the Philippines primarily to do church planting and Christian education. They are able to put up large facilities to accomplish their purposes as well as establish partnerships with Filipino workers. In some cases, however, their church planting was more of assimilation of existing ministries where they build church buildings rather than initiating new church plants.

How can Korean missionaries become more effective in their ministries in the Philippines? Let me suggest two guidelines on how this can be


A. Reason for easy conversion of Filipinos to Catholicism

Cultural adaptation was one of the main factors for the easy conversion of Filipinos to Catholicism. Conversion could perhaps be more accurately described as a transaction that involved the mere exchange of statues: dark wooden anitos were exchanged for saints with Caucasian features. So what we have in the Philippines is a brand of Roman Catholicism that is a syncretism of the indigenous folk religion and the Spanish sort of Catholicism.

B. Key to the success of Protestant Missionaries in Korea

John T. Kim has done an analysis of shamanism and its effect on the growth of Christianity among Koreans. In his book Church Growth and Religious Culture in Korea. Among the key factors identified for explosive church growth in Korea was cultural sensitivity of the missionaries. The Protestant missionaries respected and used the vulgar script, the language of the common people. The religio-cultural factors, particularly shamanistic faith, were the most influential keys to the rapid growth of the church in Korea. For instance, Korean shamanistic faith through its belief in a higher being, Hananim, made it easy for Koreans to understand the God of Christianity.

Another factor was the effort to indigenize the ministry. From the beginning of the foreign missionary work Nevius methods and policies contributed to the fast growth of Korean churches. They expected Korean church structures, as they were organized, to be generally self-supporting, and they quickly turned over ecclesiastical authority from the missions to the self-governing national churches.

C. Failure of Protestant Missionaries in the Philippines

After more than a century of Protestant ministry and American colonialism, protestant Christianity has hardly made a dent on the indigenous religious consciousness in the Philippines. There may be different reasons but the most telling is the difficulty of crossing cultural barriers both because of the entrenchment of Catholic influence and the profound distance of missionaries to the culture. Such conclusion was arrived at from the study conducted by Dr Melba Maggay. An example of this is the cognitive approach to theology. We preoccupy ourselves with trivial theological controversies such as to whether some miraculous gifts have ceased and whether in baptizing we ought to immerse or sprinkle the person.

Missionaries should adjust to the culture of the host country. Protestant missionaries in Korea were able to breakthrough in the lives of the people by adjusting to the cultural situation. Such was also the case of Iberian missionaries to the Philippines. In contrast, the Protestant missionaries who came to the Philippines were not as successful as they seemed to be running counterculture. Such danger is now also confronting the Korean missionaries who are coming to the country.


Christianity is seen as the religion brought by the Western colonizers, first by Spain, then by America. In both the Catholic and Protestant mission, the gospel was used as an instrument to support and legitimize the imperial claims and ideologies of western colonizers. They came with the supposition that they are bringing into the mission field the best and superior culture.

It is said that Filipinos have been under a Spanish convent for 400 years and then under Hollywood influence for the next seventy years. Now Korean missionaries face the temptation of Koreanizing the
Philippine churches.


For Korean missionaries to be effective in the Philippines they need to:

1. Learn and adjust to the culture of the host country.
Like the Apostle Paul, missionaries should approximate the people they purpose reach so that by all possible means they might save them.
They must endeavor to learn the language of their target people as the language is the window to the soul. Protestant missionaries in Korea used the language of the common people. Spanish missionaries in the Philippines taught their catechism in the vernacular. American missionaries in the Philippines did not maximize their ministry as they tended to first educate the natives in the English language to set the stage for a deeper assimilation of their ethos among their converts. Korean missionaries should thus learn the Filipino language for them to effectively reach the Filipinos for our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Observe the Ten Commandments for Korean Missionaries

Dr. Kang Sung-Sam, General Secretary of the Korean World Mission Association has formulated Ten Commandments for Korean Missionaries.

1. Being is more important than doing.
2. Host people in frontier mission are not ministry objects but subjects of      God's Kingdom.
3. Do not depend on an interpreter as a career worker.
4. Do not monopolize the leadership in the church planted for a long time.
5. Do not equate church planting with church building construction.
6. Do not perpetuate the employment of co- workers of host nation.
7. Do not be imperialistic with Korean culture and Church system.
8. Do not have exclusive fellowship with Korean missionaries in the field.
9. Avoid competitive attitude for short term workers.
10. Avoid being a solo missionary.

3. Practice Incarnational Ministry

The pioneer missionaries in Korea came not with colonial power. The church had phenomenal growth and impact to the Korean society as they came with the attitude of the cross and incarnation. They also employed the Nevius principle that enabled the ministry to have depth and breadth in the Peninsula. Missionaries should not permanently hold
the position of authority in the field.

Modern missionaries must observe the same principles, following the great missionary, the Lord Jesus, who came into this world not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45)

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