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Rev. Wong Kim Kong, General Secretary
(National Evangelical Christian Fellowship of Malaysia)

Dear Partners in the Gospel,
First of all, I wish to apologize for not being able to be with you at this special meeting of the pastors of KEF.  Due to unforeseen clash of my speaking appointment with a Singapore Church retreat (camp) on the exact dates, which I only discovered over the last two weeks, I have no choice but to sacrifice the sharing with you in Seoul.
Allow me, on behalf of the evangelical Christian community in Malaysia to bring you greetings. It is our sincere hope that your meeting will be a fruitful one. I am convinced that God will reveal to you many of His mysteries concerning the missionary endeavor of the Korean Church. The partnership of global mission by the Korean Church is well accepted and recognized. By God¡¯s grace, you all can even do greater exploit for him in the harvesting fields.
God indeed is working actively in the spiritual and physical well being of Korea over the last 50 years. In a very short period of time, God allowed the nation to be transformed from one of the poorest countries in the world into one of the most advanced and developed nation of today. It is incredible, without God¡¯s divine intervention, it is not possible. Koreans are the favored sons and daughters of Jehovah Jireh. BROTHERS AND SISTERS, YOU HAVE DONE A GREAT JOB!
The global mission endeavor of Korean Church is most commendable and your vision has brought your presence and witness world-wide. You have been a blessing to the Great Commission of God.
What are the impacts of the global mission of Korean Church?
•        The vision and mission of your global mission endeavor has certainly catalyzed the mission consciousness and commitment of the Korean Christians in reaching the lost beyond Korea. As a result, next to USA, Korea is the largest sending agent of global mission. Korean Church becomes the centrifugal of World Mission.
•         God has blessed the Korean Church with rich and experienced human, financial and intellectual resources. These are tangible and intangible assets to the Body of Christ world-wide. God blessings upon Korean Church became the blessings to nations. Your willingness and eagerness to share the resources of God is much recognized everywhere.
•        The global mission endeavor of Korean Church has made Korea the centripetal of Christian ministries and witness. The Body of Christ at large looks to Korean Church as a model of God¡¯s grace at work to fulfill the Great Commission.
•        At the mission fields, Korean missionaries have enriched the vision of many local churches and mission agencies especially in the areas of missions and prayer ministry. Your enthusiasm in these areas is infectious and truly encouraged many to commit their vision in these areas.
•        Your missionaries also have played an important part in the apostolic ministry of the local church. You have assisted in pioneering some of the most difficult works in the nations such as native or indigenous work. Most of these new initiatives require financial and human resources to accomplish. Your partnership has made it possible for the national church to enter into this new frontier.
•        Of course, your missionaries overseas have pioneered many of the Korean churches catered for the overseas Korean, which the local nationals are not able to do. The partnership of the local Korean churches became blessings to the local national church as well.
What are some of the critical issues faced by the Korean missionaries or Korean missions?
•        The enthusiasm of the missionaries is commendable, but their approach and eagerness to witness have to be conscious and mindful of the local cultural and religious sensitivity. Due to ignorant and lack of understanding, their missionary endeavor can jeopardize the long term evangelistic work of the Gospel.
•        The missionaries need to avoid the tendency of being patronizing. Unconsciously, some of the missionaries assumed that they have the best tools, most appropriate knowledge, and available resources for the mission work in the local context. That presumption may be wrong, as the religious and spiritual well-beings of each country is different. Even though some countries are developing nations, but Christianity has been in existence in those nations for many years, and the leadership and Christians are spiritual matured and well equipped. Such presumptuous mind-set has hindered effective partnership.
•        There is always lack of communication between the missionaries and the local national Christian leadership. Most missionaries do not consult the national body such as the National Evangelical Fellowship of the nation for advice. They tend to make contact with the local churches direct and enthusiastically offered assistance and partnership with the locals, sometimes without having adequate information of the partner churches. As a matter of fact, some are most questionable in their ministries in areas of financial and ministerial accountability.
•        Many Korean missionaries do not have an intimate or close relationship with the Christians at large and the people in general. Though there was working relationship, but the human relationship is lacking. One of the reasons is their inability to communicate well with English or the local dialects. The situation was worsened by their Korean culture, being more introverted, isolating them even further from the masses. The Korean missionaries need to equip well with the language and relationship skills.  
•        There is also the danger of over exaggeration of numbers in conversion, especially in ministry among the restricted people of a country. This could be due to the innocent mistake that comes from cross-cultural missionaries misinterpreting phenomena which they see. The people responding to pray to Jesus for material blessing or healing may misconstrue as conversion. The unconscious pressure to produce result in the mission field may also cause the missionaries to exaggerate the conversion figure in order to obtain more support from home churches etc.  
My recommendations for effective Korean Global Mission:
1.        Every missionary must have the ability to empower and equip the local nationals in the work of evangelism and mission. The primary task of Korean global mission is to strengthen and enable the locals to be effective instruments of God¡¯s work. IT IS NO GOOD AND NOT THE BEST STRATEGY FOR MISSIONARIES TO DO THE WORK OF EVANGELISM DIRECT IN THE LOCAL CONTEXT. Follow the principle of Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:12.
2.        Effective partnership that has community or national impact. Korean global mission should seek to partner not only with one local church in the community but with churches in the same vicinity. Korean missionaries seek to be the facilitators or trainers or providers for the local ministries. The human, financial or intellectual resources channeled by the missionaries should empower the Christian community of a place to further the work of the Kingdom.  The missionaries are conduits of God¡¯s blessings to the locals.
3.        Korean church and Christians are well known for their distinctiveness in mission and prayer. Korean mission agencies or local Korean churches can partner with local national body to provide training and teaching in these areas of ministries. Many local pastors, leaders and Christians are eager to learn from the Korean Christians in these areas. You may send experienced speakers to come to the country concerned to conduct seminars or conferences.
4.        Korean churches in consultation with local national Christian body can facilitate adoption of local churches. The adoption would allow the Korean churches to provide the necessary empowering process to enhance the ministry ability of the local churches. This proposal has to be worked out systematically to experience its impact.  
5.        Korean missionaries need to sharpen its language and relationship skill in order to be the incarnational witness of the Gospel.
I trust that the above comments may help the Korean church and missionaries to be more effective conduits of God¡¯s blessings to the global mission. Thank you and God bless.

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