
  Á¦¸ñ : 2016.6. ³ªÀÇ »îÀ» µ¹¾Æº¸¸ç ³ª´©°í ½ÍÀº °Íµé - ±è¿µÇÑ ±³¼ö(ÀÀ´ä)

                                              ¹ÙÀ̾îÇϿ콺 °­¿¬ ³íÆò
                                 Responces to Professor Beyerhaus¡¯s lecture,
                                      ¡°Experiences that have shaped my life¡±                        

                                        ±è¿µÇÑ (±âµ¶±³Çмú¿øÀå/¼£·Ò³ªºñ ´ëÇ¥/¼þ½Ç´ë ¸í¿¹±³¼ö)
                            Yung Han Kim(Professor emeritus, Heidelberg Dr.phil. Dr. theol.)

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I like to express my personal respect to professor Peter Beyerhaus, who has walked the great way of the good evangelical fight for the world evangelism, and welcome to your visit to Korea and my thanks for your impressive insightful lecture. My responses in three points.

1. µ¶ÀÏ À¯Çнà ±×ÀÇ °­¿¬À¸·ÎºÎÅÍ Ã³À½ µéÀº ¡°Çѱ¹±³È¸ÀÇ °æÀÌÀû ¼ºÀ塱 ¼Ò½Ä
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1. Your remarks on the unprecedented growth of Korean church I heard in your lecture in Heidelberg during the my residential study at Heidelberg in 1970s gave me a deep impact to awaken the mission of Korean church for the world evangelism. However, since having come into the 2000s, Korean churches have begun to face the stop in the growth, the kind of crisis due to the ethical failures of her leaders and the near million non-church going-Christians etc. We like to ask for your wisdom to overcome it.

2. ÇÑ°á°°Àº º¹À½ÁÖÀÇÀû ¿­Á¤°ú WCC ¾ÈÀÇ È¥ÇÕÁÖÀÇÀû ¿ä¼Ò¸¦ ÁöÀûÇÑ °øÇå
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2. I gave my great tribute to your formation of ¡°testifying evangelical alliance¡± in reaction to the WCC¡¯s one-sided mission policy on socialization and globalization
and  to declaring the Frankfurt statement on the foundation crisis of mission in 1970. You worked together with Professor Walter Kuenneth and his colleagues. To my knowledge, Helmut Thielicke at Hamburg was also critical to the WCC. Could you explain his contributions? Today WCC and WEA have become to cooperate in the mission, since the evangelicals declared the Laussane covenant on the inseparablity of evangelism and social responsiblity in 1974. So. It seems the difference has recently in the field mission disappeared. What is your comment?

3. Á¨´õ À̵¥¿Ã·Î±â¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °æ°íÇÑ °øÇå
ÆòÀÚ´Â ¿À´Ã³¯ ±ÍÇϲ²¼­ 21¼¼±â¿¡ ´ëµÎµÈ Á¦3ÀÇ ¹®È­Çõ¸íÀÎ Á¨´õ À̵¥¿Ã·Î±â(Gender Ideology) ºñÆÇÀ» ÁÖµµÇØ ÁֽŠ¿¹¾ðÀÚÀû ÅëÂûÀ» Å©°Ô Æò°¡Çϸç ÀÌ »çźÀû È帧¿¡ ´ëÇ×ÇÒ ¿ë±â¸¦ ¾ò´Â´Ù. Á¨´õ À̵¥¿Ã·Î±â´Â ¿À´Ã³¯ µ¿¼º¾Ö À뱂 ¿îµ¿°ú ¼Ò¼öÀÚÂ÷º°±ÝÁö¹ý Á¦Á¤ ¿îµ¿À¸·Î ÀÌ¹Ì ¿µ±¹°ú ¹Ì±¹»çȸ¸¦ Àå¾ÇÇÏ¿© µ¿¼º¾Ö¸¦ »çȸÀûÀ¸·Î Çã¿ëÇÏ°í µ¿¼º¾Ö±ÝÁö ¹Ý´ë¹ß¾ð°ú ¿îµ¿À» ±ÝÁöÇϵµ·Ï ÇÏ¿© ÀÌµé »çȸ¸¦ À̱³µµÀû »çȸ·Î º¯Áú½ÃÅ°°í ÀÖ´Ù. ¿À´Ã³¯ Çѱ¹¿¡¼­µµ ¸Å³â 6¿ù Äû¾î ÃàÁ¦¿Í Â÷º°±ÝÁö¹ý Á¦Á¤¿îµ¿ÀÌ ÀϾ°í ÀÖ´Ù. µ¶Àϱ³È¸´Â ÀÌ¿¡ ´ëÇÏ¿© À̶»°Ô ´ëóÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ¸¸ç, ÀÌ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ´ëó ¹æ¾ÈÀ» Á¦½ÃÇØ Áֽà ¹Ù¶õ´Ù.
3. The gender ideology, so I think,  has been a serious challenge to our generation in the 21st century. I thanks for your great contribution to warn the spiritual, social danger of this gender ideology. England and USA have been gradually changing into a pagan countries, due to settign up the act of discrimination to allow the homosexual acts and to punish all speeches and compaigns against the homosexuals. The gender mainstream engagers have been also in Korea trying to set up the act of none-discrimination for homosexuals.  How has German church been reacting? What is your preparation plan against it?    Thanks you, so much.

292  2016.5. ³»°¡ ´à°í½ÍÀº, Á¸°æÇÏ´Â ½Å¾ÓÀÇ ¼±¹è - ÀÌÁ¤ÀÍ ¸ñ»ç(Á¾ÇÕ)      ÇѺ¹Çù 2016/05/13 6240
291  <¾Ë¸²>2016³â 6¿ù ¿ù·Êȸ - ³ªÀÇ »îÀ» µ¹¾Æº¸¸ç ³ª´©°í ½ÍÀº °Íµé      ÇѺ¹Çù 2016/06/03 7173
290  2016.6. ³ªÀÇ »îÀ» µ¹¾Æº¸¸ç ³ª´©°í ½ÍÀº °Íµé - ±è»óº¹ ¸ñ»ç(¸»¾¸)      ÇѺ¹Çù 2016/06/15 6795
289  2016.6. ³ªÀÇ »îÀ» µ¹¾Æº¸¸ç ³ª´©°í ½ÍÀº °Íµé - ÇÇÅÍ ¹ÙÀ̾îÇϿ콺      ÇѺ¹Çù 2016/06/15 7603
 2016.6. ³ªÀÇ »îÀ» µ¹¾Æº¸¸ç ³ª´©°í ½ÍÀº °Íµé - ±è¿µÇÑ ±³¼ö(ÀÀ´ä)      ÇѺ¹Çù 2016/06/15 6337
287  <¾Ë¸²>9¿ù ¿ù·Êȸ-Á¾±³°³Çõ 500ÁÖ³âÀ» ¾ÕµÎ°í Çѱ¹±³È¸ÀÇ °³ÇõÀÇ °úÁ¦µéÀ»....      ÇѺ¹Çù 2016/07/21 7685
286  2016.9. Çѱ¹±³È¸ °³ÇõÀÇ °úÁ¦µéÀ» Á¡°ËÇÏ°í Á¦¾ÈÇϸç - À̼ö¿µ ¸ñ»ç(¸»¾¸)      ÇѺ¹Çù 2016/09/12 5629
285  2016.9. Çѱ¹±³È¸ °³ÇõÀÇ °úÁ¦µéÀ» Á¡°ËÇÏ°í Á¦¾ÈÇϸç - ¿ÀÁ¤È£ ¸ñ»ç      ÇѺ¹Çù 2016/09/12 5566
284  2016.9. Çѱ¹±³È¸ °³ÇõÀÇ °úÁ¦µéÀ» Á¡°ËÇÏ°í Á¦¾ÈÇϸç - ÃÖÀÌ¿ì ¸ñ»ç      ÇѺ¹Çù 2016/09/12 5552
283  2016.9. Çѱ¹±³È¸ °³ÇõÀÇ °úÁ¦µéÀ» Á¡°ËÇÏ°í Á¦¾ÈÇϸç - ÁöÇüÀº ¸ñ»ç      ÇѺ¹Çù 2016/09/12 5462

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