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Richard Howell

Korean Missions in India

South Koreans from the 1970s, primarily influenced by Operation Mobilisation¡¯s Ships visits, Operation world conferences organized by OM and other missions movements to Korea.

The books like the Operation World by Patrick Johnstone into Korean language influenced their thinking of the churches into world missions. Some Koreans began moving out of Korea to the rest of the world through OM., YWAM, CCC, Navigators, Wycliffe and others.

In fact, Dr. Daniel Chae, a Korean, directs Doulos, one of the OM Ships sailing around the world. This is significant in the wake of the two-third world missions and the emergence of leadership from the Global South.

In most cases the South Korean churches knew missions as the Protestant Missions movements and denominations from the West and America. Thus, there is a tendency to copy almost all the missions¡¯ activities and structures of the American Western Missions like the Episcopal systems, the methodologies, mission compound Christianity and other practices.

The Korean missions and missionaries grew from 1970 with great prayer back-ground, much enthusiasm complimented with the information of the book Operation World and the input from the Diaspora Koreans, especially from USA.

Koreans continue to go in many parts of the world, making their missionary endevours  the largest cross-cultural mission in the Global South.

Korean friends in India:

Most Korean friends came to India without the knowledge of each other through their own denominational or other common mission agencies such as Wycliffe, OM, YWAM, CCC, Interserve and others. However, after coming here there has been a realization to relate with each other and perhaps learn from one another among themselves.

As a result Korean Missions Association [KMA] in India was born. The meet each other every year / every other year in different parts of India to share, relate and pray together.  The leaders of KMA began relating to India through Indian churches and missions. They relate with EFI initiated mission body IMA  and also directly with EFI.
Since Koreans are from a mono-cultural and mono language background, the challenges cross-cultural missions require careful coaching, patience in learning Indian cultures and developing fruitful partnerships.

The relationship continues to grow. If India has to be reached with the Gospel, greater partnership with the Churches of Korea is essential.

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