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  21tv (ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 2008/07/11
 [07/13] ¿ø°í

To know better ¡°The Prayer that Jesus taught¡±
                            Matthew 6: 9-13
    Byung-Ki Kim, Pastor: Torch Community Church in Seoul.  July 13, 2008

The ¡®Lord¡¯s prayer¡¯ is expressed the relationship among heavenly the gospel of the kingdom of God in Christ and God and us, condensing the significant meanings shortly and clearly.  This prayer shows us not only the central points of the New Testament Theology, but also becomes the basic elements of Christianity and a standard pattern of prayer that believers give to God.
It is known familiarly as ¡®The Lord¡¯s Prayer¡¯, but it would be better to call a more accurate title, as ¡®The Disciple¡¯s Prayer¡¯, or ¡®The Prayer that Jesus taught to the disciples¡¯. Because, one day when Jesus finished His sermon on the mountain, one of His disciple asked to Him, ¡°Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples(Luke 11:1). Then He taught them, ¡°This is HOW you should pray.¡± Jesus did not say, ¡°Pray just in these words.¡± But ¡°Pray after this manner (HOW= this way).¡± That is, ¡°Use this prayer as a pattern, not a substitute.¡±
Surely it must be the best pray that a true teacher can compose it and teach it in our world. It is also the most eminent prayer than one in any famous poet¡¯s prayer, than one in a psalm from the Book of Psalms. And it shows the believer their identification. Therefore, it should be a perfect prayer, an exalting praise, and a faithful confession for believers.
If we used to misuse and abuse this holy and significant prayer, it would be very sad thing. If we had were muttering the prayer as a parrot without understanding the true meanings, the prayer that Jesus taught to His disciples seemed to be a greatest martyr.
So I want to have a time to know it better. I think that it is very import!ant to pray this prayer in public and in private with spirit and truth and wisdom. Now let us think about this ¡®Prayer that Jesus taught¡¯ to understand the true meanings phrase by phrase. Then praise this prayer altogether according to the famous sacred piece of music, ¡°The Lord¡¯s Prayer¡¯ by C. Malotte.

I.                  The background of the Lord¡¯s prayer

It reflects usages in the synagogue services of Jewish Christian society on the
Palestinian soil such as¡¯ Kaddish Prayer¡¯ and ¡®the 18 times Tepillah, Shemone Esre¡±
Kaddish Prayer was an oral prayer altogether after sermon. It is very short. Shemone Estre was
the basic prayer for Jewish to give the prayer three times in a day. It is very long.
After Jesus came, ¡®The Prayer that Jesus taught¡¯ included with Shemone Estre between Jewish and Gentiles. About A.D. 66-70 Jewish church and Christian church totally separated. From this event ¡®The prayer that Jesus taught¡± had been seated gradually for Gentiles and Christian Church. At last it is only the representative common prayer for our church.
I.                  Structural comparison with Gospel Matthew and Gospel Luke
Matthew                                 Luke
O. Composed in 3 parts plus           Composed in 3 parts
O. Doxology                        without Doxology
O. 1 calling and 6 petitions           1 calling and 5 petitions
O. 6 petitions have 3 ¡®You¡¯ petitions   5 petitions have 2 ¡®You¡¯ petitions
And 3 ¡®We¡¯ petitions               and 3 ¡®We¡¯ petitions.
II.               The Characteristics of ¡®Lord¡¯s prayer¡¯ in Matthew version
¡®The Prayer that Lord taught¡¯¡¯ was a sum of the campaign about the new kingdom of God in Jewish society at that time. A certain kind of phenomenon of the revival that Jewish repented themselves appeared in the new definite pledge through their devotion and obey to God. They needed a New Jesus campaign included Jesus have the ideas and hopes and an identity for composing the New Communion of the kingdom of God. And they were thirsting for the new prayer that Jesus teaches them. So this prayer is the one that expresses well the identity of people of the new communion in the kingdom of God. It is a natural result to be a standard prayer in our church. Because the prayer that Jesus taught is a center of the disciples¡¯ life.
¡®The Prayer that Jesus taught¡¯ is a prayer for the people of God. So Jesus taught them the way of praying. Because prayer is a dialogue and meeting with God and me. When Jesus taught the prayer, Jewish and Gentiles misused the right way of praying. He taught the right way of New Prayer at the time. It is useful for us to keep the following instructions now.
¨ç   We must pray ¡®in secret¡¯ before we pray in public.(Matt. v. 6) It is not wrong to pray in public in the assembly, or even when blessing good, or seeking god¡¯s help. But it is wrong to pray in public if we are not in the habit ! of praying in private. Our Lord Jesus Christ prayed privately; so did Elisha (2 Kings 4:32ff) and Daniel (Dan. 6:10ff).
¨è   We must pray ¡®sincerely.¡¯(Matt.vv.7-8)The fact that a request is repeated does not make it a ¡®vain repetition.¡±Do not keep on babbling like pagan¡± (Mat.6:7), because our Father in heaven knows what you need before you ask hi! m. The mere reciting of memorized prayers can be vain repetition.  The Gentiles had such prayers in their pagan ceremonies( 1 Kings 18:26)
¨é   We must pray ¡®in God¡¯s will first.¡¯(vv. 9-13) The purpose of is to glorify Go¡¯s name, and to ask for help to accomplish His will on earth.  This prayer begins with God¡¯s interests,! not ours: God¡¯s name, God¡¯s kingdom, and God¡¯s will prayer. If we put Go¡¯s concerns first, then we can bring our own. God is concerned about our needs and knows everything even before we mention them (Matt. 6:8). It is right to pray for daily physical needs, forgiveness, and for guidance and protection from evil. In this petition we are asking God to guide us so that we will not get out of His will and get involved in a situation of temptation(1 John 5:18).
¨ê   We must pray, having a forgiving sprit toward others. (vv.14-15) if we have true experienced God¡¯s forgiveness, then we will have a readiness to forgive others. (Eph.4:32; Col. 3:13). Jesus later repeated this lesson to His disc! iples (Mark 11:19-26). He illustrated this principle in the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Matt. 18:21-35).The Emphasis in 1 John 4 is that we show our love for god by loving our brothers.  When we forgive each other, we are not earning the right to prayer; for the privilege of prayer is a part of our sonship (Rom. 8:15-16).
The true meaning of ¡®Abba (Father)¡¯ is very import!ant in praying. Jesus called it   first time. To call for God as Father is as same as to call for the father of flesh in our family intimately. Father is very intimate word and also honorable word in the paternal society.
Calling God as ¡¯Father¡¯ is a promised theology. There are many picturesque pairs such as sonship between father and son in the Old Testament. The representative is in Exodus 4-23, ¡°Let my son go, so he may worship me. But you refused to let him go; so I will kill your firstborn son.¡± Another example is seen in the following expression! God is the Father of Israel, and Israelite is the song of God.
Who gave us the right and authority to call for God as Father? The answer is Only Jesus, ¡°This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven!¡± The word, ¡®Abba¡¯ is a language to express the love and submission and confession. So the relationship between father and son must be premised with knowing well each other. But He is a Father as supernatural being. The heart of ¡®The Prayer that Jesus taught¡± is in ¡®coming of the kingdom of God. !
In the chapter 6 of summon on the mountain composed of the various double structures.  For example, the beginning (The first petition) and the end (Doxology) is a pair, so-called ¡®inclusio¡¯. It implies the relationship between beginning and end also, alpha and omega. Therefore Doxology must be in the prayer always.
III.           Application for our praying and praising(King James Version)
Section a: God¡¯s section:¡¯ You¡¯ Part; a Prayer for God
Our Father; -Calling to God intimately as a real father, ¡¯Abba¡¯ but holy
1.      Which art in heaven, -He who is listening to our prayer is supernatural being.
2.      Hollowed be thy name,-Our Father is Holy and Reverend, Jehovah.
                   (The old Aramaic expression!).
3.      Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, as it is in heaven, as it is in heaven.-
: The central content of this prayer, a ¡®Petition (Primarily Petition)¡¯ for His accomplishing the kingdom of God. We should praise the kingdom of God and the will of God first.
Section B: Man¡¯s section:¡¯ Our' section; Petitions for us (Secondary petitions: daily bread, forgiveness for sins, and temptation))
Let¡¯s praise his will to accomplish on the earth, and then the secondary petitions will be done with us
4.      Give us this day, our daily bread,- This day our daily bread means very    complicated containing the bread for today! , and for tomorrow as the miracle of Manna
5.  And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors- This verse is much emphasized. We should forgive the others as God gave us forgiveness for our sins.
6.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:-
    This petition is to protect us from the unknown temptation and terrible evil from now to future.
Section C:
7.  For thine is the kingdom, and the power
And the glory, forever. -Doxology is rather a kind of praising to exalt the glory of God than a prayer. Let¡¯s sing it powerfully and gloriously.
8.      Amen
True prayer also involves responsibilities: honoring God¡¯s kingdom and doing God¡¯s will (Luke 11:2). It is import!ant for Christians to know the Word of God, for there we discover the will of God. We must never separate prayer and the Word (John 15:7): ¡°I prayed about it and God said it was all right.¡±
The prayer has to have three formulas: first the prayer is worship for God, second the prayer is a petition to God, and third the prayer is a mediator to seek the needs for people to God. These three elements displays well in ¡®The Prayer that Jesus taught¡¯
God promises for prayer. Let¡¯s us keep on asking, and seeking, and knocking, whenever
we pray to God.  If God¡¯s will be accomplished first, then our needs will be full. ¡±Seek
first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.¡± (Matt.6:33)
   It is very import!ant for Christians understand ¡®the Prayer that Jesus taught¡¯ accurately and deeply. It means to live with the spirit of this prayer as a people of the kingdom of God.

[07/20] ¿ø°í
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