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  21tv (ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 2009/01/27

Revelation 14:6-13 (See also Rev. 20:11-15; 21:1-6; 22:1-3)
Dr. Glenn A. Jent, Pastor
        Everyone is interested in the future. What will happen five years from now? When will Korea be re-united? Where will I be ten years from now? On and on it goes! Well, my Friends, I can assure you that your future destination is certain. It will be either heaven or hell! There is no third choice. The question is where you will spend your eternity.
1.        Hell is the eternal destiny of the unbeliever following the final judgment.
(1) There will be opened books—a record of their actions (20:12).
(2) There will be another opened book—the Lamb¡¯s Book of Life (20:12).
(3) The unbeliever will be thrown into the lake of fire, or Hell (20:15).
2.        Hell is the place where unbelievers receive the full fury of God¡¯s wrath.
(1) Burning Sulfur (the enduring, undiluted torment of verse 10 in our text).
(2) Gnawing Worms (Both External and Internal as in Mark 9:48).
(3) Haunting Sight (of Heaven, as with Lazarus and Dives in Luke 16).
3.        Hell is the place where unbelievers suffer the unending torment of God¡¯s fury.
(1) The smoke of their torment rises forever and ever (14:11).
(2) There is no rest day or night (14:11).
(3) There is no break time, only unending, undiluted pain and torture.
Question: What do you have to do to go to Hell? Absolutely nothing! Just assume that being the child of Christian parents is enough. Just assume that being religious is enough. Just assume that going to church is enough. Just assume that being a good person is enough. Just assume and do nothing, and you will choose to go to Hell!
1.        Heaven is a place of physical blessing.
(1) Heaven is a place of rest from our physical labors (14:12).
(2) Heaven is a place of healing from our physical diseases and pain (21:4; 22:2).
(3) Heaven is a place where there will be no more hunger or thirst (21:4; 22:2).
2.        Heaven is a place of emotional blessing.
(1) Heaven is a place where there will be no death or separation (21:4)
(2) Heaven is a place where there will be no mourning or sadness (21:4).
(3) Heaven is a place where there will be no more heartache or crying (21:4).
3.        Heaven is a place of spiritual blessing.
(1) God makes everything new for His children (21:1, 5).
(2) God makes everything right for His children—no more curse (22:3).
(3) God makes everything perfect by His presence with His children (21:3).
Question: What do you have to do to go to Heaven? You cannot go to Heaven by doing nothing, or by assuming you are going. You can only go to Heaven if you CHOOSE to go! The choice can only be made when you realize you are a sinner and that your sin nature caused Jesus to have to die on the cross. You must repent of your sin and trust in the saving death of Jesus Christ. You must invite Jesus Christ into your life. When you do so, your name will be written in the Lamb¡¯s Book of Life.
        God has created a perfect place for you. He has sent a perfect person into the world to show you the way to that perfect place. That perfect person then died for your sins so that you might be forgiven. That perfect person came back from the dead to give you hope of eternal life. This Jesus said, ¡°No one comes to the Father except through me.¡± Have you done so?
