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  21tv (ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 2008/10/30

Psalm 90:3, 5-10, 12
Dr. Glenn A. Jent, Pastor
        Man can best be described as temporal in nature. His nature is best contrasted with the nature of God, the uncreated Creator who shall never die. God is eternal! However, man exists from birth as a created being and then is eternal from that point in time, although he must lose this temporal (temporary) body at death. Let us examine what the Psalmist has to say about the temporal nature of man.
1.        Man was created from the dust of the earth—Genesis 2:7.
2.        Man¡¯s body shall return to the dust of the earth after death—v. 3.
Ecclesiastes 3:20—All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return.
1 Corinthians 15:47—The first man was of the dust of the earth.
1.        Man¡¯s body lives 70 or 80 years—v 10.
2.        Man¡¯s time passes quickly (v. 10) like new grass springing up in the morning and dying in the evening (vv. 5-6).
Psalm 103:15—As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.
James 4:14—What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
1.        Man¡¯s life is full of trouble—v. 10.
2.        Man¡¯s life is full of sorrow—v. 10.
Job 5:7—Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward.
John 16:33—In this world you will have trouble.
IV.        MAN¡¯S JUDGE--GOD
1.        Man¡¯s sins cannot be hidden from God—v. 8.
2.        Man¡¯s sins stir up God¡¯s anger and indignation—vv.7, 9, 11.
Ecclesiastes 12:14—God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
Hebrews 9:27—Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.
1.        Man needs to learn how to number his days correctly—v. 12.
2.        Man needs to learn how to gain a heart of wisdom—v. 12.
Psalm 143:10-11—Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good spirit lead me on level ground. For your name¡¯s sake, O Lord, preserve my life; in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble.
Matthew 6:34—Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
        The nature of man is obviously different from that of God. Man in his temporal body must die, whereas God is eternal. Man¡¯s life is short (70-80 years) and full of troubles and sorrows. Man sins against God; yet God offers forgiveness when we repent and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. God becomes our dwelling place where we can live, worship, and retreat from the world. He creates life, creates hope, creates a new body, and creates a place for us to be with Him for all eternity. What a great and glorious God! Is He your God? Is His Son your personal Savior? Do you seek His guidance to help you use each day wisely?
