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  21TV (ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 2009/11/18

Genesis 50:15-21
Dr. Glenn A. Jent, Pastor

        We have seen Joseph struggle with a family problem and a sexual problem. Today, we will see him struggle with a problem of nature. Bad circumstances come many times in many forms and in many places, causing people to ask many questions. What am I supposed to think? How can a good and righteous God allow such things to happen to His children? If God is all powerful, why doesn¡¯t He stop these things from happening? Why doesn¡¯t God do SOMETHING? The answers to such questions can be found in God¡¯s Holy Bible in our text and Genesis chapters 37-50, especially chapters 41-47 and 50. Let us examine this matter.
1.        God had sent a warning about the future in Pharaoh¡¯s dream.
2.         Joseph¡¯s interpretation led to Egypt being prepared for a lengthy famine.
1.        There were seven years of drought—leading to a severe famine in the land.
2.        Joseph¡¯s father sent his brothers to Egypt to buy food that had been stored up during seven years of prosperity because of Joseph¡¯s foresight.
1.        Joseph tests his brothers to see if they have changed—but not for revenge.
2.        Joseph finally sends for all of his family and saves them all from starvation.
1.        Difficult times led to a wonderful maturity of mind, heart, and spirit. Does he interpret this famine as God¡¯s punishment of his brothers? Does he harbor ill feelings after all of these years? Does he desire to make them suffer as he has suffered? NO to all of the questions! What is wrong? Is he not human?
2.        Joseph gives us insight into the depths of his character and his theology in v.20: ¡°You intended to harm me, BUT GOD intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.¡±
There, that¡¯s the key! Satan intended to destroy Joseph, BUT GOD¡¦! God in His wonderful grace worked good in the midst of evil!
        There are many more examples—such as Haman and the gallows he built for Mordecai, those enemies of God who had Daniel thrown into the lion¡¯s den, Satan instigating the religious leaders and the mob to cry out for Jesus to be crucified. In each of these and many other cases, these were bad circumstances, BUT GOD¡¦! God turned these evil circumstances into powerful blessings! What, then, is the meaning of all of this? Paul presents the principle (Romans 8:28): ¡°And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.¡±
Here are some lessons we can learn from our message over the last three weeks:
1.        Good and bad circumstances are a part of life—some caused by self, some by others.
2.        God is able to produce good results in the midst of bad circumstances.
3.        There is a limitation placed upon God¡¯s ability to work good for us:
        (1) We must love God (wholeheartedly, unconditionally).
        (2) We must be called according to His purpose (or seeking to be in the Will of God).
If things are not going well in your life, or if persons have gotten you down emotionally and spiritually, love God and seek His will. Don¡¯t let your feelings keep God from working good for you. He wants to bring good out of evil. Will you let Him? If you do, then stop complaining! Stop questioning! If you want God to do SOMETHING, simply love God and seek His will.
